Extensions for Code Scrawl

Working with Regex

If your extension deals with any regex, you should use the Regex Matching Utility to make things way cleaner & easier

Extensions Api

The Gist:

  • To expose something to @import(CustomKey), call addOutput('key', 'CustomKey', 'The string to import')
  • To create a file, call addOutput('file', 'rel/path.ext', 'This is the file content')
  • To write an extension, extend \Tlf\Scrawl\Extension, add it to the scrawl.ext config (see example), & override one or more of the extension Methods (bottom of page)


For working with the set of available extensions (and adding to it)

  • addExtension($group, $extension): Add an extension to a group.
    • if $group=='default', $extension should extends \Tlf\Scrawl\Extension or implements \Tlf\Scrawl\ExtensionInterface
    • if $group=='docblock', $extension should be a $callable accepting (\Tlf\Scrawl\DocBlock $docBlock)
    • else, it depends completely upon the code that calls the extension.
  • getExtensions($group): Get an array of extensions for the given group
  • extCall($group, $methodName, ...$arg): Loops over $getExtensions($group) & calls $ext->$meethodName on each one
  • Config scrawl.ext: Automatically calls addExtension. See the sample extension below. cli: scrawl -scrawl.ext group:class


For pieces of information to share with other extensions

  • addOutput($group, $key, $content):
    • @import(Something) gets the $content where $group=='key' and $key=='Something'
    • throws if $group, $key is already set
    • Any value can be set for $content, but $groups may have expectations. $group=='key' requires $content be a string
  • setOutput($group, $key, $content): Same as addOutput, but does not throw if $group, $key already set
  • getOutput($group, $key): Get $content for $group, $key.
  • getOutputs($group=null): Get a key=>value array of the group specified OR of all groups if null is given

Existing Output Groups:

  • $group=='key', $key='SomeThing' is used to @import(SomeThing) into markdown
  • $group=='file', $key='Some/Path.ext' is used to write $content to PROJECT_ROOT/DOCS_DIR/Some/Path.ext
  • @TODO programattically generate a list of all groups.

Sample Extensions

Extensions are currently written in PHP. (@TODO enable extensions in other languages)

1. Configure

Add to your .config/scrawl.json (or use another config option):

    "autoload": {  
    "scrawl.ext": {  
        "\\Your\\Space\\MyCoolExtension": "default"  

2. Simple Extension class

Create src/MyCoolExtension.php

namespace Your\Space;  
class MyCoolExtension extends \Tlf\Scrawl\Extension {  
    public function onSourceFileFound($srcFile){  
        $fileList = $this->scrawl->getOutput('key', 'AllFiles');  
        $fileList .= "\n- $srcFile->relPath";  
        $this->scrawl->setOutput('key','AllFiles', $fileList);  

3. Import your new setting

Create docs-src/AllFiles.src.md

# All Source Files  

4. Run Scrawl

You should have already followed the initial guide.
cd to your project directory and execute scrawl. docs/AllFiles.md should now contain a list of all your source files.
@TODO Move this sample extension into a test & use @import()s

Existing events/extension hooks:

Key not found for Extensions.EventsList

Key not found for Extensions.CustomCall